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A digital signature certificate (DSC) is a secure digital key issued by recognised Certifying Authorities (CAs) to validate the identity of the certificate holder. It contains an individual’s name, digital signature, date of issuance of the certificate and date of expiry, and the name of the CA. It is nothing but an electronic version of a physical signature.

What is the validity of a DSC?
A Digital signature certificate has validity of 1 to 2 years from the time of issuance. Every signature has the start date and end date. If your DSC expires you can apply again for a digital signature online.

From where can I get a Digital Signature Certificate?
You can get your DSC from Realtax. We are authorised providers for DSC, and we are partnered with some of the agencies, licensed CAs to get your DSC at the best rate without any hassles or argument and in the most secure way. We require only your basic documents and verify your details against the PAN card registered on the Income Tax portal.

Who is a Digital Certifying Authority?
According to the Information Technology (IT) Act 2000, any person or entity which have licensed permission to issue a Digital Signature Certificate is recognised as a Digital Certifying Authority or CA. Before issuing license to a prospective CA, the Controller of Certifying Authorities, Ministry of IT, will first audit the establishment and then ensure compliance requirements are satisfactory, and finally grants the license.

Who are all the Digital Certifying Authorities in India?
Some licensed authorities identified by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology are Safe Scrypt, DRB, (n) Code Solutions, e-Mudhra, NSDL, Capricorn Identity Services, CSC e-Governance Services India Limited, Indian Airforce, Vsign, CDAC, and DRB.

Who is a Registration Authority (RA)?
RAs are the agents of the CAs who collect and verify the information and the requisite documents from the applicant. RAs will then decide to approve or reject a DSC application request.

Where can I use my DSC?
You can use your DSC to send and receive digital files, can perform web-based transactions and for signing documents in PDF and MS files. In addition, a DSC is mandatory for registering a company with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, e-filing of income taxes, e-Tendering, e-Procurement, and in other important government-related forms.

When should a person use class 2 DSC?
Class 2 Digital Signature is used for income tax filing, incorporation of a Pvt Ltd company or LLP, filing of Annual returns, and whenever e-filings are done with MCA and Income Tax department. Class-2 Digital Signatures have been currently abolished by the Government of India. Only Class-3 signatures can be used now for authorisation.

When should a person use class 3 DSC?
Class 3 certificate is used to register for e-tenders or e-procurement or e-auctions. Also some government authorities like Indian Railways, national banks may have to get DSC for tenders.

How long does it take to get a DSC?
Usually, it takes 3-4 days for processing the DSC application after which it is couriered to you.

What type of DSC do I need for e-filing on MCA portal?
You need to have either Class 2 or Class 3 signing certificate category for e-filing on the MCA portal, which has to be issued by a licensed Certifying Authority (CA).

Why do I need to submit my documents to apply for a DSC?
Like your PAN or Passport in physical world, A DSC in the digital world is as much important. Hence, before issuing the certificate all your details will be thoroughly checked and verified.

Do I need to be physically present for verification of my identity?
No, you need not be present, as Realtax processes for Digital Signature Certificate completely online. However, for Class-3, sometimes, you may have to be present physically for the verification process.

Is there any guarantee my confidential information will not be misused during the process of applying for DSC?
Realtax adopts binding and convincing policies to ensure that our customers’ data are secure. We’ll not disclose any information to any third party, unless it is required by law.

What type of DSC is required for procuring tenders and trademark/patent filing?
Commonly and mendatory, Class 3 certificate is used for e-Tendering, e-Procurement, Trademark / Patent filing. Class 3 is the highest type of Digital Signature Certificate.

Can I get more than one DSC?
Yes, you can have two certificates, like one for personal use and the other for official use. But note, only one email address is allowed for one certificate.

Is it necessary to get the USB token?
Yes, a USB is necessary as per the Government’s notification because it is not sensitive to virus attacks, thereby offering the highest security.

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₹999.00 ₹1599.00

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